Dr. Souheil E. Elia (Ph.D)

HERE IS WHY. By Ignoring at the DNC convention to have one prayer delivered by a Moslem Imam, VP Harris alienated the moslem community in the US of over 7 Million Moslems. Some of These moslems live in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Ilinois, Minnesota, Pensylvania and Nevada. These are Crucial swing states for the Democrats. A loss by Vice President Harris in the swing states gives Republicans the edge
Kamala Harris, through ill-advised refusal by her campaign to allow a Palestinian American delegate to address the Convention from the Podium has committed a severe blunder. In addition, alienating the Moslem community by failing to have a Moslem Imam present a prayer at the Convention has resulted in the organizing by OVER 1 MILLION DEMOCRATIC VOTERS THE “ABANDON HARRIS CAMPAIN”. These are Democrats and Independents living mostly in the 6 crucial state of GA (16), AZ (11), Mi (15), MN (10), PA(19), WI (10) and NV (6). These states represent 87 electoral votes. The loss by Democrats of some of the 6 Swing states, including the loss of MI, which is now assured, as proven by over 100000 “Undecided” voters in the Democratic Primary, would derail any win for the Democrats.
The inevitable loss of Michigan by the Democrats due to the genocide in Gaza, along with a Republican win in either PA with 19 EV, or GA with 16 EV seals the Presidency to Former President Donald Trump.
The defective advice provided to VP Kamala Harris to date will result in Donald Trump becoming the 47th President of the United States. The numbers confirm a Democratic loss of the White House, if MI and either PA or GA, which are two of the 6 Swing States, are lost to the democrats. The Democratic States and their electoral votes are: CA (54), OR(6), WA(12), HI(4), and now possibly MN(10). If we include VA(13), CO(10), and NM (5), which all 3 states are leaning Democratic, along with IL(19), MD (10), NJ (14), NY(28), DC(3), CT(7), RI (3), MA(11), VT(3),and likely NC (16), which is leaning Democratic, total 228EV.
Even with all the likely wins by Democrats, the total remains 228 EV. This is short of the needed 270 Electoral Votes (EV) to win the Presidency. Should VP Harris carry all the Democratic leaning states and some of the swing states, with a loss in PA, GA and MI, she would be short of the 270 EV needed to be the next US President. To win MI and the progressive vote in the swing states, a very serious change needs to occur in the administration’s policy for GAZA. The loss of MI with 15 Electoral Votes coupled with a loss of either PA with 19 Electoral votes, or GA with 16 Electoral votes, would result in the loss of the White House and very likely the House and the US Senate.
To win 270 Electoral Votes, the loss of MI with 15 Electoral votes if coupled with a loss in GA with 16 Electoral votes and PA with 19 Electoral votes results in Former President (FP)Trump occupying the White House for 4 more years. If FP Trump wins the White House and the Republicans control the House and the US Senate, they are quite likely to attempt, from day one, to introduce a constitutional amendment not to limit the Presidency to 2 terms of 4 years each. A sweep by the Republicans would represent a real danger to the foundation of democracy as practiced in the USA from the time of Independence.
The advisors to Harris have failed to present to her the consequences of alienating the Palestinian and Moslem vote and that of Progressive voters in all swing states by ignoring the justifiable demand of having a Palestinian American address the Convention following the presentation by a family of an American hostage in Gaza. This reasonable demand was supported by Arab Americans, Moslem Americans, Progressive Jewish Americans and Independent voters. They collectively wanted to air the horrors of the genocide in Gaza.
The continued Genocide committed against the Palestinians in Gaza has not resulted in one Hamas Leader being apprehended by Israel after 10 months of war with the full assistance of the US. The presentation to the delegates at the convention and to the public aimed to clarify the real facts which occurred on Oct. 7, 2023. The Biden-Harris administration has to date adopted as totally factual the Israeli version of the events on Oct. 7, 2023 without requiring confirmation by an independent impartial investigation.
When the Genocide occurred against mostly civilian Palestinians of whom the majority were women and children leading to an estimated death of over 40,000. Many more are buried under the ruins of their homes, hospitals, churches, mosques and schools. These crimes and the genocide by Israel based on targeting civilians as denounced by the UN repeatedly due to the continuous denial to all the 2.2 Million population of Gaza, food, water, heat, electricity and medicine. Such criminal acts, as decided by the International Court of Justice in La Hague represent genocide. The genocide of Palestinians in Gaza has been totally ignored by the Biden – Harris Administration, which unfortunately, continues to date.
President Biden and Vice President Harris ignored that shooting a 9 months old Palestinian baby sitting in front of his tent in Rafah is not acting in Self Defense. Burning all members of a family sleeping in a tent by a missal strike cannot be justified as targeting terrorists. Under no law are such criminal and intentional acts to be considered acting in self-defense, as alleged by Israel and supported by the US.
Bombing hospitals such as Al –Shifa Hospital in Gaza and killing most of the medical staff and patients, including 12 babies just born that day, under the false pretense that Hamas maintains military quarters under the hospital, has now been proven that Israel failed to date to present any proof to support their total destruction of the largest hospital in Gaza, This intentional Genocide has never been questioned by the Biden-Harris administration. It is based on falsified facts which hide the true nature of the Genocide perpetrated by Israel.
The false narrative about the reason for bombing the shifa’ Hospital readily accepted by the Biden-Harris administration confirms that statements made by the IDF in Israel have no relation to the facts. The allegations relating to the Oct. 7, 2023 attack by Hamas that Israeli babies were beheaded and Israeli women were raped failed to date, 10 months later, to provide by Israel one single proof of such acts confirmed by an independent human rights group, or international organization. There has been no viable proof of beheading or rape attributed to Hamas which occurred on Oct. 7,2023. The facts propagated by the IDF, who prepared the fake videos distributed worldwide, required, as a minimum, from the Biden-Harris administration that such allegations should have been verified by independent and respected organizations. Israel refused to allow any journalist to check the facts in Gaza with the excuse this is a war Zone.
Killing journalists in Gaza by firing a missal at them while in their cars contradicts the allegations of the IDF that the journalists who died from a missal fired from an IDF fighter jet was unintentional. None of Israel’s unverified presentations concerning the Oct. 7, 2023 attacks attributed to Hamas were corroborated by an the Biden –Harris Administration. Most of those killed attending the music festival on Oct. 7.2023, as confirmed by Haaretz newspaper based on statements from members of the IDF, was by the IDF. The IDF were applying the “Hannibal Directive” of killing one’s own people, to prevent their becoming hostages. Stating by the US that all the death on Oct. 7, 2023 were by Hamas was in error , as contradicted by Israeli media.
Killing of Isrealis by the IDF was totally omitted in the videos of the IDF and ignored by the Biden-Harris Administration even after it became public by the Israeli media. Should VP Harris wish to win the White House and secure and preserve a better future for Israel and the Palestinians, there is need to launch a new bold policy. The US can help achieve a permanent cease fire and the full withdrawal of all Israeli troops from every location in Gaza. The US in cooperation with countries internationally can help rebuild Gaza and implement the 2 State Solution declared by President Biden.
If Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Extremist Zionist government in Israel oppose such a plan for peace and justice, the US can no longer justify the unconditional supply of arms to Israel extending the carnage and the genocide. Peace and justice cannot be attained if the US continues to give Israel an unconditional supply of arms and political support, while Israel, governed by extremists maintains its genocide in Gaza.
The Biden-Harris administration needs to organize an International Coalition to implement a permanent cease fire imposing a NO FLY ZONE sky over Gaza and the West Bank, along with the full withdrawal of Israeli forces from all parts of Gaza. Only then a permanent peace in the region can become a reality. Progressive voters throughout the US wish that the US ensures that real results, not unfulfilled promises are the outcome.
The opposition to such a policy by potential Zionist donors which best serves the interest of the US and preserves Israel as a secure county welcomed by all its Arab neighbors, will be outweighed by the votes in favor of the Democrats at the ballot box on Nov.5, 2024. Supporters in the US, outside of AIPAC, of the Netanyahu extremist government actions extending the genocide in Gaza represent a small proportion of the population both in the US and even in Israel. This is confirmed by the numerous Jewish groups who protested the sending of Arms to Israel and the Genocide in Gaza who proudly wore the slogan“ NOT IN OUR NAME”.
To win the White House and Congress, VP Harris needs the votes of progressive voters who include Arab Americans, Moslems Americans, African Americans, Latino Americans, native Americans & Asian Americans. They will abandon the Democratic Party in every state they vote if the Genocide continues unabated with unconditional shipment to Israel of arms. Leading Democrats such as US Senator Bernie Sanders and Majority US Senate Leader Chuck Schumer, who are American Jews, oppose unconditional supply of arms to Israel.
The opposition to the genocide in Gaza by the Natanyahu Israeli extremist Government and the continued carnage by the IDF cannot be attributed to being anti-semitic. Opposing Israel is not being anti Jewish, It is against the present Israeli policy of forcing the Palestinians to abandon their land through indiscriminate death of Palestinians by the thousands in the name of self-defense. Both Arabs and Jews are the Children of Abraham. Should Vice President Harris choose to launch justice instead of Apartheid and the rule of law instead of Genocide, the conditions will dramatically change positively throughout the Middle East. Both Palestinians and Israelis will have the historical opportunity to live in real peace in the Land destined to be shared together by all Semites. The Arabs and the Jews are Semites. & can claim as being the children of Abraham.
For Vice President Kamala Harris to become the next US president, she needs to “Do Something”, as Michelle Obama eloquently expressed in her speech at the Democratic Convention. This means Vice President Harris can’t rely on past polices because progress can only be attained by moving forward and “ Not Going Back”. To win the White House, both parties have to secure votes from the swing states. There are 6 swing states and they represent the following Electoral Votes(EV). They are AZ (11EV), GA (16 EV), MI (15 EV), NV (6 EV) , PA (19 EV),and WI (10 EV) .The combined total EV for the 6 swing states is 87. For either party to prevail, they need to win some, or all of the 6 swing states to capture the Presidency.
The Republicans can count on a secure 217 Electoral Votes from states mostly in the Midwest and Southern US . They may capture NC which is leaning Republican which has (16 EV).To get to 270 the Republicans need 37 EV from the swing states. If they win in PA, NV & MI, this secures 40 EV. This will win the White House with a total of 273 EV. Alternatively, if the Republicans win AZ, GA & WI they will secure the required 37 EV and attain 270 EV and win the presidency.
The Democrats have a secure 213 Electoral votes. This is still short of 270 EV to win. Both MN(10 EV) and NH (4 EV) are leaning to the Democrats. They represent 14 EV. The combined Total is 227 EV. The Democrats still need 43 EV to clinch the White House . The Democrats would lose the White House if the Republicans secure PA and MI. Without MI & PA for the Democrats, access to the White House is quite unlikely because it necessitates winning all the other 4 Swing States to gain 43 EV and attain 270 needed to win the Presidency. The recent support by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. of Former President Trump, is likely to siphon from the Democrats independent voters. The crucial importance of securing MI for the Democrats not only becomes a dire necessity, it is the only path to the White House.
Whatever momentum Vice President acquires in this campaign, none will help secure the Presidency, if the Republicans capture PA or GA and MI. The loss to the Democrats is not limited to the White House. Most likely it will involve the loss of the US Senate and the House. Most important is that the rule of law and Democracy will disintegrate.
Vice President Harris will have little hope to access the White House, if by Nov.5, 2023, there is no end of the occupation in GAZA, no permanent Cease Fire, or the lack of an international campaign to rebuild Gaza. All the Republicans have to do, to win on all fronts, is to capture, in addition to MI, either GA or PA. This is a risk that Vice President Harris cannot take due to the dire consequences to the rule of law, to democracy, and in violation of the US Constitution. =========================================================